During the first part of his life, he had no control : her parents made the most of your thinking for you and in doing so , create more of your subconscious programming. This is particularly true in the programming of feeding behavior . His parents had good intentions , but unfortunately do not have the knowledge and skills to teach you how to eat properly . They just follow what their parents taught them .
Does this sound familiar : . " You will not leave the table until you finish everything on your plate " or "Do you realize that there are children in the world who suffer from hunger , and give n ' anything to your food? " Or " if you do not finish everything on the plate, there will be no dessert . " this is kind of repetitive statements programmed to associate food with fear and guilt.
What was really ironic is when managed to finish everything on your plate and filled completely reluctantly , has always managed to find space for your ultimate reward .... well deserved dessert. With constant use of fear and guilt to control their behavior , eventually these two emotional states turned to anger , which also causes emotional eating .
Now , as her worst feed adult behavior is perpetuated by the emotional states of fear, guilt and anger. The presence of these three emotional states also indicates the absence of a positive emotional state and the most powerful love.
Your parents use the reward of dessert to control or program the majority of their emotional states. They knew that the promise of something sweet , could not stop their anger, stop crying , eliminate boredom or stop the pain . If you want to train an animal, what do you use? Use food. Unfortunately , human animals have access to the same thing that is used to form many of their emotional states.
As a child when you eat unconsciously programmed to use as an outlet for almost all of their emotional states. Now that you are an adult who always responds emotionally to food exactly as they were programmed to do as a child. Its programs continue to control small by what you eat , when you eat, what you eat and how much.
The reason why I keep repeating their behavior or habits of childhood again and again because you are attached or anchored to them. Yes, anchored in ballast or held in place ! The only difference between the anchors and anchor the ship is your anchor does not consist of steel , but from their emotions.
The origin of strong repetitive memory associations , which are driven by the five senses of hearing anchors , sight, smell, taste and touch . You are constantly being anchored in different ways throughout your life. For example, when you hear a certain song and it brings back memories of a particular person, or a place in time back, it is an audio anchor or an anchor triggered by the sense of hearing .
Have you ever met someone for the first time and I realized that something in them that reminds you of someone or something else? It is a visual anchor or an anchor triggered by your sense of sight . So far, all the anchors have been installed in your subconscious mind of another person or by accident, and in most cases, were not even aware of. Now , for the first time in the process of Burris MIND / FITNESS, you can learn to anchor a reaction or behavior that you want to order and still get the results you want and again, until you are sure reach your goal weight.
It is important to understand that your subconscious mind can be turned into a negative anchored behavior without even stopping to think about what you are doing. This is the kind of behavior that is responsible for their worst eating habits. I refer to this behavior as " Thought not eat. " At the time of " no thought eating " your subconscious realized that you and your conscious mind is not even aware that something is happening.
A good example of this is when you feel fear , guilt , anger or boredom . You immediately look for something to eat , even if you 're not hungry . In most cases , seek what you call comfort food , which is something that is high in sugar, fat or both. Let's say you find a bag of cookies , there is no doubt that you eat and before you know it, you eat the whole bag. At some point in this "no thought Manger" binge your conscious mind awake to what is happening . Leave your frenzy and now with the feeling of fear , guilt , anger or boredom , it is probably a little . nauseous the first thought that comes to mind is : "Why I love it was not even hungry ?" How many times have you wondered what self-destructive negative question " Why do I like this? "
The second you asked that question, your subconscious is activated to find a response action , which in turn produces a correlating picture. Surprise , surprise, this program can be found in the subconscious eating behavior ? He found that you ate cookies because you felt fear, guilt, anger or boredom. Of course yes, because that is exactly what I am programmed as a child to react to fear , guilt , anger or boredom. Again, your subconscious will take this correlation image that excess weight and response and use it to anchor deeper into the program of their children.
This is where the fun begins , what you have to do to change your existing negative anchored behaviors " No thought eat? " Just restructure your question in the negative form of " Why do I like this? " In positive form of the question "How can I prevent this was not going to eat when I'm fearful , guilty, angry or bored ? " Your subconscious now produce a positive response to its positive new issues such as : when you feel fear, guilt, anger or boredom , find an activity you like, instead of eating Again, this news. answers will produce empowering correlating pictures that will advance your goal weight. It is really positive empowerment issues = single positive empowerment.
Thereafter, it is essential that you are always aware of your inner voice , to ensure that all questions are confident that positive and always maintain a positive emotional state.
Regardless of the time that their goal is a change in diet to lose weight, increase your fitness program or to take an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia control. Ultimately , the question to ask is ... I'm quite happy with the mind itself running or I have to take control of it ? If your answer is that I have to take control of it , then Burris MIND / FITNESS is the answer.