What You Should Know About The Glycemic Index

Lately , there has been much talk about the glycemic index.
People everywhere are talking about it and use the liberal food advertising to promote certain products.
But what is the glycemic index and what it means for you?
Why is it that people are turning to it as a way to lose weight and healthy eating options in general?
What is the reason for G. I. becomes the guide of the world free basic food?
The glycemic index is a way to measure the effects of different foods on your blood sugar in the blood, is the rapidity with which the carbohydrates (sugars) are absorbed.

Foods high G. I. rapidly releasing the blood causing a rapid increase in levels of blood sugar .
Foods with a low G. I. slowly release the blood that helps keep sugar levels more stable and constant blood. When consumed high GI and sugar levels in the blood rises quickly , there is a strong response to insulin ( a hormone that regulates the level of sugar in the blood) .
Insulin acts quickly to remove the excess blood sugar into muscle cells as glycogen ( stored energy ) and when glycogen stores are full, the rest is stored in fat cells and, yes, you the guessed it , fat!

Due to excessive insulin response caused by the overreaction of blood glucose, blood sugar in the blood flows quickly much lower , which makes the burst of energy that felt to plant quickly.
Under GI foods which release at slower speed does not cause such a response to insulin.

This allows stabilizing the sugar level in the blood for a longer period of time due to a slow release of glucose: a slow release of insulin , which means that it can regulate glucose levels in the blood more precisely. And you guessed it, there is much less of a deposit of fat cells too !

So when you eat a low G. I. the food energy levels are maintained longer and do not feel too hungry after eating as it does high GI foods .
The glycemic index is measured by evaluating the rate of release of different foods have sugar in the blood lines of pure glucose ( convert sugar in the blood) .
A score of 100 was allocated to the rate of release of glucose.

If a food has permission or index of 70 or more , which means he has a quick release and is a high GI food and should be avoided .
If a food has a rate of 56-69 was a little faster, but not an end version and is considered a medium -GI foods and should be limited.
Any food with an index of 55 or less has a slow release and is considered a low GI food and it is good to eat all the time.

Now combines high GI foods low in foods in general affect the GI of the whole meal.
This is known as the glucose value .
If you have a potato with G. I. Eg 90 and a chicken breast with a GI of 0, the glucose value of the food would be 45 in the low GI range .
So when you try to stay in the lower GI should be, you do not have to eliminate all high GI foods , as long as only used in combination with low to reduce the glycemic load of the food General. Examples of high GI foods are white flour bread , cakes , muffins, white potatoes , ripe bananas and honey.

Some medium GI foods are red potatoes , jellies and jams, bran muffins , whole wheat bread and tropical fruits .
Some low GI food is mostly vegetables, fruits farther north , yams and sweet potatoes , cereals , meat and dairy products , popcorn and most nuts .
Now, keep in mind that calories still count which means that even if you eat low GI foods does not mean you can eat as much as you want.

Stay with most under G. I. foods will help keep sugar levels stable blood and help control your appetite, but in the end you still have to monitor the total number of calories to lose or maintain weight and prevent weight gain .