Wash your kidneys easy and guaranteed way

Passing of years after years and Clauana the the process of filtration and purification of the blood and remove salts and toxins and all the impurities that enter our bodies , and over time accumulate harmful salts and sediment

They are in need for continuous cleaning process , but how do we do this ? Way too easy just brought parsley and wash well and then cut and placed in a saucepan and pour them clean drinking water and Aglha for ten minutes and then leave it to cool described and placed in a vase clean and leave it in the fridge and drink every day cup on an empty stomach will emerge Blaoa of your kidneys will not believe it and you will feel every day comfort did not feel by Vabakduns known its effectiveness strong in cleaning the kidneys but is considered the best something in nature to clean the kidneys should not use parsley as a treatment for pregnant women or planning a pregnancy , as well as for children less than two years and for people who suffer from chronic diseases in the digestive tract , such as gastric ulcers as well as intestinal ulceration of the colon and must not use seeds or dried parsley roots as well as stems and leaves for pregnant women and can be used fresh green parsley before it wilts .