Tablets to lose weight ... Between benefit and harm !

Of the most popular products in the field of commercial weight-loss find discs diet . But these disks have many serious side effects . Before reaching for the use, know more on the effect and harm .

What are the tablets to lose weight ?

These disks contain many substances that help you lose weight . And different working methods of these discs Some works to inhibit appetite , while other types working to prevent the absorption of fat in the body .

Possible side effects of weight loss tablets

Whether it is an effective weight - loss tablets or ineffective , it was accompanied by some side effects.

Among the most famous of these symptoms that may The Age :

Increased heart rate , increased blood pressure, insomnia , nervousness , headache, dizziness , weakness, dry mouth, feeling numb , nausea , cramps , diarrhea and liver problems .

Previous symptoms vary according to the type of drive used . It must take into account that these disks are described for short periods , so when used for longer periods of time specified cause many harmful side effects . You should always read the leaflet attached to these disks carefully before you start using it.

When we say that these drives have side effects, it does not mean they do not quite suitable for use , this drive is a suitable way for those who suffer from excessive obesity with health problems associated with this obesity . Example patients with diabetes or high blood pressure.

These disks are an effective way for them, so that the idea here is that you should eat a healthy diet with exercise when using these discs , and this is of course very useful in these cases.

You should consult your doctor before you start taking weight-loss tablets , where the doctor can prescribe you the safest and most species approved by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) .

Try to stay away from the use of weight-loss tablets that are sold on the Internet or those that are sold without a prescription , they may cause significant health problems .

Before you decide to use diet tablets check with your doctor , and try to balance between the usefulness of these disks and damages .

Always remember that the adoption of a healthy diet with exercise is the best way to get the ideal weight.