Know If you are overweight through BMI Calculator

Want to know if you are overweight or not? What you have to do to see if you are underweight weight , overweight or normal? Using a BMI calculator is the solution to meet your body mass index or BMI.
What is the BMI or body mass index ?
The body mass index , or BMI, is a measure that assesses the body weight and density of a fat person . Here's how you can tell if your weight is normal, too high or too low for your height. It's really a good way to get an idea of ​​your overall health. It gives the answer if you are really overweight or underweight if you know what to do to reverse the trend and have a healthy body .
Which tool to use to check the BMI ?
Your BMI is easy to identify , as long as you use a BMI calculator . It's official use for the body mass index of a person , whether male or female tool. Whatever your age too , weight or height . Anyway , this special calculator that does not require weight and height to determine BMI.
How to calculate BMI ?
Weight and size are needed to obtain one of the IMC . All BMI calculators require two steps . Weight in pounds or kilograms must first identify . Next, determine your height in meters squared , square feet or square inch , depending on the type of index calculation using .
First, we need to know your weight measured by a weight scale and height through a letter. If you use kilograms per square meter is the required height . The mass of the formula divided by height in square. This means that you multiply your height in meters before dividing the weight (in kg) by height ( in meters squared ) . This is the standard unit for measuring the BMI of a person .
For other devices, you can use a different formula of the three options. The first option is the use of the mass in kilograms multiplied by 703 and divided by your height in inches squared . The formula is weight ( lb) x 703 / height (in ) 2. Another option is the option mass ( lb) x 4.88 / height (m ) 2. The last option is the mass (st) x 9840 / height (in ) 2.
What are the possible outcomes ?
There are only three possible outcomes if you calculate the body mass index . If this is not normal , you are overweight or underweight . The normal weight range is from 18.5 to 24.9. Less than 18.5 is considered underweight , while more than 25 years and you are obese or overweight. If you are underweight, you basically need to eat more to gain more pounds to 18.5 or more. In addition, you should lose weight if your BMI is 25 or more, as it is considered as the identification of obesity.
Here are the details of how you can discover the fat from your body , or in other words , BMI . You need to check and monitor your BMI to see if you are on the verge of becoming obese or malnourished .